My opinion is the most powerful and truthful flow of information that I have ever read to myself, I really liked my natal chart, I re-read it 50 times, no less, I strongly recommend Tory as a great specialist in her field, it's worth it. Thank you very much, I will definitely contact you again.
Thank you very much, I really liked what I read, a lot became clear and the beautiful design of the document. I will be back and recommend to friends 💕
Victoria Herman
Huge thanks for your work! very many moments in life I realized for myself. and most importantly - I understood my path, I understood why my life began to break down a few years ago - because I began to deviate from my path. Now, with the help of new knowledge, we will build brick by brick in a new way!
Anais Gendelman
Many thanks to Victoria for her help. Before the consultation, I watched interesting articles, in some you could find out valuable information for free. Frankly speaking, a difficult life situation led me to a consultation, but it turns out that I intuitively already applied some of the upaya practices without knowing it at all. For example, in recent months I have not really wanted to eat meat. I began to think about my life and wanted to get answers why something happens sometimes in a strange way. Now I know a lot about myself and those around me. Everything happens for a reason and it is a pity that most people do not even know about it and do not want to know, perhaps if everyone were interested in the laws of life, there would be less pain and evil on earth. Apparently, the time has come for me to learn the secrets of this life, and I am very glad that this happened at the age of 24. I began to think about the future, which I can fix for the better. I have been observing austerity for a month now (I don’t eat meat, fish, seafood, eggs, alcohol, not to mention other things). I feel that I have become more patient and calmer to external stimuli. It became responsible for me that the human soul lives forever and I want to do everything possible so that in the future life after my death, in another body, I would live a happier and brighter life. Thank you very much for this. I wish Victoria the realization of all plans and desire, perseverance and all the best!
Yuri Demyanov
Namaste! A consultation with a Vedic astrologer or Jyotisha is called in Sanskrit Deva Prashna देव प्रश्न, which means “a question to God”. I want to express my deep gratitude and respect to Tori, for that deep, detailed six-page answer to my questions! Thank you for opening my eyes to many things. All the best and thanks!
I want to express my deep gratitude and respect to Victoria! She helped me find the answers that were in my head for a long time. The questions of my destiny simply amazed me (the details of the past incarnation simply fantastically coincided with the interests of the present), now I know for sure in which direction I should develop. Pointed out my health problems, character. Gave direction to fix. Feel free to contact, Victoria Profi in your business!)
Vladimir Sesin
I turned to Tori for a horoscope under the influence of my beloved wife. And he did not regret it, although at first he was skeptical about this undertaking. However, right during the reading of the horoscope, I was flooded with such a stream of realizations and insights, so powerful that it took my breath away - I barely read it to the end. And there was something to read - 18 sheets in small print ... Then for several days I could not force myself to re-read it again - I just got used to the realization that the world would never be the same for me ... When I let go - I re-read the horoscope many times, thought looking for supporting information, discussed with his wife. Together we put together a long list of clarifying questions that Tory answered in detail and (wow!) didn't even charge extra for it!
Now, thanks to the horoscope, I know better what I need to do, where to move, what to strive for. Knowledge of favorable periods allows you to plan serious measures to neutralize negative karma, such as long trips to holy places. But planning is the first step towards making your dream come true! In addition, awareness of the right direction of movement inspires, inspires, gives strength. Now we plan to make horoscopes for all our children in order to better understand how whom to educate, where to send them and what to prepare for. Yes, and the wife herself is waiting, not waiting for her turn))) We will also recommend making a horoscope with Tori to our relatives, friends and acquaintances.
So, if someone is looking for an intelligent compiler of joytish horoscopes, my wife and I recommend contacting Tori. She definitely has a lot of talent for this!
An accident led me to Victoria (although now I already understand that it was the Higher Powers). One girl I knew was in India at the time of the Yagya, at that moment all the planets were beneficially located, that any person could turn to the Higher Forces with those questions that had stalled or planned, start any business and the results would be good. She was near the Guru, and I asked her to ask the Guru about the ceremony. One of the astrologers casually mentioned that in my chart there was an unsuccessful fixation of the planets, which, under adverse circumstances, could separate me from my children, which, both spiritually and physically, would divorce us forever. This was very disturbing, but because the astrologer did not have enough skill, then she could not give more information, she only advised to conduct a ceremony, about which she also does not know everything, only approximately. The girl agreed to ask the Guru and casually mentioned that there was a good astrologer and she could read the chart. I was ironic about this (by this point I had addressed three Jyotish masters, but after talking with them there was no clarity, only an aftertaste of the uselessness of Jyotish). Nevertheless, I took the contacts of the astrologer. Usually I can delay those moments in which I do not have a firm belief that it will be useful or necessary, but not this time. After reading several posts on Victoria's Instagram, I was very touched by the transfer of information (not cumbersome, without water, and the essence of what is being discussed is revealed). I have never met anyone who speaks so clearly about such complex things as karma and fate! After deciphering the card, I had a shocking state for several days. It was very incomprehensible to me how another person who does not know anything about you revealed everything literally from your birth. I may not remember the past, I may not know the future, but I know everything that was in this incarnation (from thoughts to events and actions). The family from which I came out has many children (only girls) and I always had the impression that someone buried an open Pandora's box in the foundation of our house. Because diseases, hunger, poverty, devastation, cruelty, violence, madhouses were present as if they had always lived there. Places, husbands, sphere of activity changed, but it all followed on the heels, which is very good. strongly influenced the character of the older generation and everyone who grew up next to them. Time passed and the 4th generation is already growing, but all this does not end. When this is from birth and beyond, it seems to be the norm, and you just continue to work so that the smallest will be much easier in the future. No one thought that there are also reasons for this and that it lies in the ancestral karma. Consequences of the birth curse (Pitra Dosha). Joytish in translation into Russian means “Light” and indeed, after such a detailed decoding of the general horoscope, all the chains of causal and investigative relationships were restored and, oddly enough, it became very calm. Calm because now you know what it is and how to work with it in order to help not only yourself, but also your loved ones. Forgive me for such a voluminous text, but I really want to share that even the most unfavorable parade of planets can turn into a blessing.
Victoria made a layout for me back in 2015, and now I am writing a review. Professional in his field, open and kind person. I plan to study with Tori in the future.
Natalya Novikova
Namaste! I want to thank Victoria from the bottom of my heart for the astrological chart, for the consultation and for the support during a difficult period. As a person who travels a lot, I can say that having a map of the area, you are much more likely to get where you want to go. And having studied your birth chart, you are more likely to choose a favorable direction for your own efforts and adjust the route and methods for achieving the desired. Every day I am convinced of this in practice and I already see the results. In addition, studying and delving into the details of your horoscope is a very exciting experience. Highly recommend! Vicki, thank you for your warmth and invaluable help!
Alena Kulik
Good afternoon) Tory made a horoscope on 2 questions of interest. The answer was 4-5 sheets for 1 question, everything is available and detailed! Feedback constantly and answers to questions on the horoscope! I liked it, I advise everyone and everyone who is looking for themselves, doubts the professional industry, or is simply interested in developing relationships with a loved one. Tory gives several directions, and helps to identify the answer that is closest to the person! Thank you for your help! Good luck 🍀 and all the best)
Victoria, good day! I'm just writing to thank you for what you do! Your work is wonderful, the readings and recommendations are correct, everything is like clockwork)) They really help to find peace and clarity in the moment and period (not quite simple for me now). All the best and health to you
I want to thank Victoria! With a difference of about a year and a half, I ordered her cards for myself and for my husband. They did it after a while, because mine reflected the reality of the past year, and life in general. Now we printed them out, read them to each other, and we plan to order more children's cards)) Victoria is an amazing specialist!
Tori, thank you for the map! You helped me look at everything from a different angle, opened my eyes to some of the things that I strove so hard for and did not find a response. Now I am even closer to my inner happiness and harmony. Thank you very much :) thank you)
Anna Pedan
The great Goddess Ganga, who lived in the Sutyama branch during the time of Arishta Bhoti, wrote mandalas - horoscopes. Collected the stars into a single mandala of births from Kings to wandering Siddhas. Sometimes she liked to collect stars for animals and stones. They were so amazing that in incarnation the beauty of their creation knew no bounds. And now the Age has come - the end of all Ages, when all the Great souls came to incarnate on this Earth. Knowing the inevitability of her fate to live life in the body and be mortal, she wrote for herself the simplest, it would seem, horoscope-mandala. But the secret was in the middle! The key is the star Zirud in the very middle of being, which turned the mandala back and made it three-dimensional. Having passed the point of no return, she ended the life of a simple person and was born in a new quality of a perfect, beautiful being, who is able to build five-dimensional essences in reality, where there are only three measures. And she also allowed people to come to her and told them about their lives, looking into those mandalas that she herself created for millions of years to come.
Elena Savchenko
Victoria, thank you for your work! I guessed and felt a lot of what you wrote about, of course in simpler words, I'm not strong in Vedic astrology. It became bitter after reading, but I accept everything as it is, there was a reason (my bad deeds) now there is a consequence in this life .. Anyway, thank you again
Hands down and didn't know what to do. what to take. I contacted Victoria and I am very pleased. everything is written in detail, if you want to know more about something, Vika will explain everything. The emphasis is placed on problem areas, recommendations are all to the point. Thanks
The consultation was almost two months ago. All these two months I was digesting. Now I realize how deep it was. Very. On SUCH a subtle level, no one has ever touched me. The most interesting thing is that Victoria has never even seen me. Mastery is it, gift or art ... but it heals me a lot ... Thank you
when there is a lot of confusion in life... when you stand at a crossroads and don't know where to turn, then the Lord sends a person like you. and you helped me see the path to take. my endless gratitude to you for this, and may the Lord feed your soul with happiness. it is so wonderful to see why I did certain actions in a certain way, and most importantly, how to change! I wish you development in this area and the opportunity to help someone! love and thank you!
Big gratitude in my heart!
Keep it up and may the universe help you!
Thanks for the advice! It was important for me to find out what my purpose in Vedic astrology is, and what Victoria gave me in consultation shed light on my life. It was as if I always knew this in the depths of my soul, but the material world dragged on, and it was forgotten. Thanks for bringing the light!
Vikulya, has a very deep sense of intuition when opening an astrological chart and a very strong mind and a calm mind, which allows her to interpret the signs in the chart in favor of a person. How he can make his life better by working on himself is the most important thing an astrologer can give. This is not a deception, as many people expect from pseudo astrologers, a magic pill that will make their fate easy and beautiful. I can say by my own example that she will tell you exactly what you need at the moment and this is priceless!!!! Come, you won't regret it!
My husband and I sincerely thank Victoria for her very necessary and noble work! After all, serving people through astrology is not easy. Vika, thank you so much for not just compiling a map, but working directly answering the questions that arise. Thus, taking part in a person's life, not leaving him to the mercy of fate. We were surprised how accurately everything is written in the map, so many points that no one could know just to the point. Everything that you then recommended we do and we really appreciate you and your support! Thanks to you, we can now go through life not like "blind kittens" and adjust your life in the right direction! It is evident that you truly love people and serve them in love, and this is worth a lot! Vika, there are few people like you on Earth. Take care! Thank you very much Maria and Dmitry.)
I would like to thank Victoria for her work, everything is very detailed and clearly written. There is really something to think about now, a lot to comprehend and change in yourself) Thank you!
Vika, I also swear at "my good karma" :) Once again, I was convinced that I was one big surprise gift (especially for my husband), a spiritual woman (in a past life, I definitely try my best in this one. Yes, and as you advise, I decided to moderate my desires, now I don’t stamp my foot, but just quietly want a new bmw :) I’m trying, in general, for the next life :)
Once again, I shake your hand and thank you very much!
It took me a long time to gather my thoughts to write a review. There was a comprehension, reboot and revision of many elements of my life. Anyone who comes into contact with a competent specialist in Jyotish is given a unique opportunity to know not only the sides of his personality in the current incarnation, but also his higher self. This is very valuable information for all people involved in self-knowledge, exploration of themselves and the world, who are both in a spiritual search, and those who believe that they have already found what they were looking for. It is especially important that with the knowledge gained, people get a chance to correct some negative aspects of their horoscope, adjust their lives in accordance with their true purpose, with their dharma... There is power in this knowledge. Endless thanks to Vika for the discoveries made!
Vicki, thank you for your help! You helped me sort things out in my head!! Yes, after reading your layout, I did not sleep the night and cried !!)) But you have nothing to do with it)) and in general they were tears of joy !!!))) It's great that you can write both positive and negative, it's very Important, very important! And you don't have to hide anything! A person himself will decide how to live, change or not!! It's like on
doctor's appointment))) someone listens, someone!! Continue your work in this direction, help people!! It is important!! Thank you!!
I am very grateful to Victoria for astrological consultations and psychological support in difficult matters. I am very glad that I have such a person to whom I can turn in any life situation. Jyotish gives clear and necessary answers to questions, the puzzle of life develops, and everything becomes clear and understandable, why events happen this way and not otherwise. Thank you Vika!!
My very best wishes in your labors, prosperity, love and happiness!
Indeed, the map reflects my whole life! Victoria pointed out to me those points for correction, which I carefully try to "shove into a distant box", but as it turned out, this is very important! thank you very much
Anya Anina
Thank you very much for the advice!) I really liked it, because you can learn not only about the position of the stars and planets, but also about where and how to move on! Everything converges very much ... and you look at the extracts as a reflection of your own life ... Happiness and protection of the Powers of Heaven to everyone!